When it comes to buying your horse’s tack, there are a lot of things to consider. Horse size is only one of them, but it’s an important one. The right size horse bridle will affect how your horse performs, so choosing the right size for your needs is essential. There are many factors that go into determining the right size bridle for your horse such as their conformation, temperament, level of training and intended use of the bridle. There are a few general guidelines, however, that will help you determine the right size bridle for your horse regardless of their specific needs.

What size horse bridle should you buy?

There are many factors that go into determining the right size bridle for your horse.The size of your horse’s head, neck, withers and girth are all important when determining the right size bridle. If you are purchasing a modern-style headcollar, that will also affect the size of the bridle. For example, if you are using a headcollar that is adjustable, it will be adjustable on both sides. The bridle will have two sets of hooks, one for the bit and one for the headcollar. This means that you will need a larger bridle than you would if you didn’t use a headcollar.If you are purchasing a traditional-style bridle, the size of the bridle is determined by the size of the bit. This means that the bridle will need to fit around the bit. The bit will often determine the size of the bridle. If you are purchasing a fixed-mouth bit, the bridle will be sized around that bit. If you are purchasing an adjustable-mouth bit, the bridle will be sized around the mouthpieces of the bit.

Determine the Size of Your Horse’s Head

The size of your horse’s head is a crucial factor in determining the right size bridle for them. The size of your horse’s head is measured by their withers. The withers are the two large bones at the base of the neck that are angled towards the head. In the case of a draft horse, these can also be called the poll bones. The size of the head is typically determined by the distance between the withers. The rule of thumb is that the distance between the withers on a horse should be 10% of the length of the horse’s neck. For example, if the horse’s neck measures 16 inches, the withers should be 16 inches apart.

Determine the Size of Your Horse’s Neck

The size of your horse’s neck is another important factor when determining the right size bridle for them. The size of the horse’s neck is measured by the length of the girth. The girth is a leather band that is placed around the horse’s neck to keep them in place. The length of the girth is usually about 10% of the length of the horse’s neck. For example, if the horse’s neck is 16 inches, the girth should be about 1 foot, or 16 inches. If the girth is too short, it will put pressure on the horse’s throat. If the girth is too long, it will put pressure on the horse’s poll and hinder the horse’s ability to move their head.

Determine the Size of Your Horse’s Withers

The size of your horse’s withers plays an important role in determining the right size bridle for them. The withers are the two large bones at the base of the neck that are angled towards the head. The size of the head is typically determined by the distance between the withers. The rule of thumb is that the distance between the withers on a horse should be 10% of the length of the horse’s neck. The size of the withers is critical when determining the length of the bridle. If the withers are large, the bridle will need to be longer in order to fit around them. If the withers are small, the bridle will need to be shorter.

Determine the Size of Your Horse’s Girth

The size of your horse’s girth is another important factor when determining the right size bridle for them. The length of the girth is typically about 10% of the length of the horse’s neck.If the length of the girth is too short, it will put pressure on the horse’s throat. If the girth is too long, it will put pressure on the horse’s poll and hinder the horse’s ability to move their head.

Things to Remember When Buying a Horse Bridle

When buying a bridle, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the size of the horse’s head, neck, withers and girth will all affect the right size bridle for them. The size of the bridle should be based on these measurements. If the bridle is too large, it will cause the horse to tire more quickly. If the bridle is too small, it will impede the horse’s ability to move their head.The choice of bit will also affect the size of the bridle. The length of the bit will determine how long the bridle needs to be. If the bit is short, the bridle will need to be longer. If the bit is long, the bridle will need to be shorter.The type of bridle you choose will also impact the size of the bridle. The type of bit determines the size of the headpiece, so this will affect the size of the bridle as well.


When buying a horse bridle, there are many factors to consider. The size of the horse’s head, neck, withers and girth are all important. When you are measuring your horse, be sure to consider all four areas. The size of the bridle will impact the horse’s performance, so choosing the right size for your horse is essential.